Joreenlye's Blog

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NCT seminar styled presentation- Facebook

Today was yenling and my turn to hold a seminar styled presentation on Facebook in NCT class.

Before this project, i thought i knew everything there was to Facebook.

I have a facebook account, i’ve played games there, i’ve wrote on friends’ walls, i’ve posted photos and videos. See, i am a facebook guru..not.

I believe that there are many people like me out there thinking that we know how to use facebook.well.. we might be half right only.

The other half lies with the usage of facebook page and facebook group.

Basically a page and group serves different purposes depending on the people you are reaching out to.

Don’t understand?

Let Joreen give you a crash course on facebook. ๐Ÿ™‚

A facebook page:

-serves as a platform for you to build long term relationships with your fans, readers or customers
-commonly used by businesses, brands, movies, celebrities etc
-allows interaction with fans/customers without having them to be connected to a personal account
-allows event creations & invitations
-has no friend capacity
-can be indexed by external search engine

and on the other hand,

A facebook group:
-for smaller scale interaction on a personal level and/or around a cause
-usually held for hosting an active discussion & attracting quick attention
-has a 5000 friend capacity
-allows member approval
-administrator can be seen

however the similarities in both a page and a group are that:
-both allows hosting of discussion
-has discussion wall and forum
-allows messaging to all members
-allows video and public photo exchange
-have to manually track activities much clearer isn’t it?

Here’s a little quiz to see whether you have successfully digested all the facts.

1.Poney Pete has to create a social advertisement for his
company on facebook, which is the platform that allows him
to do so?


2. Zouk should appear under the Facebook Group
category and ZoukOut should be under the page


3.What is the maximum capacity of members you
can have in a group?

a)No limit

Have you managed to answer this 3 questions correctly?

1. (A) Social ads can only be held on a page, a group does not allow you to do that
2. (B) false. Zouk is the companyโ€™s name and zoukout is the event therefore it should be page and grp respectively
3.(C)5000,whereas page allows you to have unlimited fans

well..that pretty much sums up the basic differences and similarities you have to know about facebook’s page and group!

Hope that these information has been useful, at least it does to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Btw as suggested by Ms Kwa to share it with the rest, here are the slides which yenling and i have created for NCT. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope that it would be useful to those who have yet to present.


Lil’ rewards like snacks are really helpful and greatly appreciated by hungry people in our class. (idea originated from joan’s group) Therefore it would be really useful to get ppl’s attention and participation. Activities that allow ppl to get off their seats and move ard would really help as well.

This is the link: 601da0f25e869f4

All the best<3

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